Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Feedback: Collection Development Task Team (CDMTT) and Campus Librarian Meeting (CLM) – 22 & 23 August 2011

This week I attended the CDMTT meeting and the Campus Librarian meeting. In the post below I will communicate important issues from these meetings.
Collection Development Task Team (CDMTT)
This meeting is usually chaired by Mrs Neli Kaunda, but because she is still on maternity leave, it was chaired by Mrs Annette Liebenberg.
Information budgets: There is a concern regarding the low expenditure of information budgets in some departments/faculties. Mrs Sander will contact the relevant deans and heads of departments to discuss this issue. Relevant subject/faculty librarians are also requested to assist with this issue.
Dewey shelf marks: It was decided that the standard for Dewey shelf marks will be four letters of the author/compiler/editor to follow the Dewey number. This will be applicable to all UJ libraries, but no retrospective changes will be made.
ERC Book Collection: After the closing of the ERC the collection was moved to DFC. This collection is now in process of being distributed to the APB, APK and SWC libraries. The Acquisitions, Cataloguing and Processing department (ACP) is currently treating this task as a matter of priority.
Subscription lists: There was a delay in the compilation of these lists and it will probably only be finished by the end of this week. Subject/Faculty Librarians will receive a new due date for finishing these lists.
Campus Librarian Meeting
Dr Anette van Vuren chaired the meeting held with all campus librarians. Mrs Moipone Qhomane-Goliath represented DFC (Julia is still on leave).
One book one library: Feedback forms, reading guides and pencils were distributed to all campus libraries and circulation staff is requested to assist with the distribution of the above mentioned to clients who are reading the book. A box where clients can submit feedback forms should be made available in all campus libraries, alternatively feedback forms can be handed in at circulation.
ICL Marketing: The ILL & ICL department is in process of making posters, which will be campus specific, to market the ICL service to clients. These posters are designed in such a way that it can be changed into brochures at a later stage.
Library Structure: Dr Parker has been temporarily appointed in the position left vacant with the resignation of Leonie Marshall of HR and will from now on assist the library with the transition toward the new library structure. Several administrative issues regarding the structure have been attended to the past few weeks. The issue regarding the subject/information/faculty librarians remains a priority and outcomes of the process will be communicated to affected staff in due course.
Nehawu march: Members of this union are planning a march on 30 August. Please note that while members are allowed to attend, the library will remain open and Team Leaders are requested to ensure that service points are functional. The principle of ‘skeleton staff’ will be permitted.
Mandela-day Celebrations: All campus librarians gave feedback regarding the participation of campus libraries on Mandela Day. Dr Van Vuren requested campus librarians to convey her sincere appreciation to all staff that participated in this project and mentioned that they showed real community spirit.

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