Friday, 26 August 2011

Feedback: APK Campus Forum Meeting, 26 August

The meeting was chaired by Adv. Coetzer, who is the Campus Director for the APK and APB campuses. The following items were discussed:
·         Auxiliary Service and Transport
·         Audio Visual Unit (AVU)
·         Health and Safety
·         Maintenance
·         Protection Services (Security)
·         ICS
·         HIV / AIDS
·         Campus Projects
Auxiliary Service and Transport
Some permanent cleaning staff is still on strike. Temporary cleaners have been brought in to assist with cleaning of facilities. Intimidation of cleaning staff not on strike will not be allowed. Isolated cases of intimidation have been reported.
The demand for transport between campuses (staff and students) still exceeds the supply. An extra bus has been made available to deal with the situation and currently more trips between campuses are made than scheduled. Despite these measures the service is still not sufficient. The biggest challenge in dealing with the situation is limited funds.
The contract with Steiner Hygiene will come to an end this year. Their contract will not be renewed and a tender is out for a replacement.
Audio Visual Unit (AVU)
The theft of AVU equipment on campus remains a concern. This year approximately 40 data projectors have been stolen. There was a request that staff be vigilant when it comes to this and report any suspicions behavior to Protection Services.
Health and Safety
The health audit in the library has been completed and the report was forwarded to Prof Habib.
This department is in process of enhancing their current service to staff/clients. They are in process of doing a survey on all campuses. Some staff will receive an invitation to complete the online survey. The turnaround time for attending to faults/maintenance issues is 48 hours (two days). Should it not be possible to fix items within the given time, the staff member will be notified as to the reasons.
 Protection Services
There was no representative of Protection Services at the meeting. Uncertainty regarding the implementation of the new parking policy was expressed. According to the new policy staff and students will have to pay for parking.
Note form the Campus Librarian to staff:
I urge you to go and have a look at the new Traffic and Parking policy on the intranet. Directions on how to access the policy will be given below (unfortunately it is password protected, so I cannot just add a link).
-          Log into the UJ intranet
-          Once you logged into the intranet, choose Governance and Policies
-          Scroll down and click on Protection Services
-          Then you click on Policy – Traffic and parking
When you read the policy, pay special attention to pages 3 – 6 and 14 – 17. The tariffs for the discs are on page 18 and the fines on page 19.
Should you have any difficulty to access the policy, you are welcome to contact me and I will gladly assist. A hard copy of the policy is also available in Vivian’s office.
This department is currently investigating the option of using wireless technology.
Staff testing and counselling will be done from 12 -16 Sept. On 21 September there will be a discussion on diversity at the Arts Centre. Dr Eve will be the facilitator.
Campus Projects
The Campus Director reported that 60% of the budget will be spent on maintenance and 40% on new construction, at least for the next five years.

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