Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Update: 3 to 21 February 2012

So much has happened since the last update, so I would like to start by apologising for the length of this post in advance.

From my side, I would like to share the following with you:
- Staff news
- Feedback from UJLIC strategic objectives
- Feedback from meeting with APK Client Services Departments
- Moving of collections
- UJLink: Enriched content
- Author workshop
- Opening of Johannesburg City Library
- Usage of library computers
- Feedback from the Operations Forum Meeting

Staff news
Congratulations to Vivian who became the proud grandmother to a baby boy this month.

I would also like to congratulate Sharon Swart on winning the iPad by completing the Energy Efficiency Survey:

Feedback: UJLIC Strategic Objectives
Regarding the strategic objectives that were shared with you on 3 February, I am happy to report to you that Dr Bawa presented our objectives with great success. In her feedback Dr Bawa mentioned that we received great support from the VC and university leadership. The library was tasked to create an implementation plan (that will happen on 22 Feb) and Dr Bawa will do a roadshow at all the Faculties.

Feedback: APK Client Services Departments
The past two weeks I had my monthly meetings with the different departments. From these meetings I would like to share the following:
- Please note that ILL and ICL cannot be requested telephonically. This is due to the fact that the staff of this department have to make very shure that they request the correct book or article. During telephonic conversations, the client will be requested to submit information electronically.
- The blocking of students with outstanding library fines/books on ITS seems to be successful. During January 2012 the amount received for the payment of lost books increased with 770%, when compared to Jan 2011. I would like to congratulate April and his team for the hard work regarding this issue.
- The Shelving staff already had their first forum meeting. At the forum they started discussing the implementation of the portable barcode reader (PBR) for shelf reading and stock taking. This will be implemented this year.
- At the meeting with the Information Librarians, they requested the table of the allocation of Dewey numbers per level. Please find the table below:

Level 1 DDC #: 000 - 226 
Level 2 DDC #: 227 - 354 
Level 3 DDC #: 355 - 399 & 500 - 599
Level 4 DDC #: 400 - 499 & 700 - 899
Level 5 DDC #: 600 - 699 & 900 - 999

Moving of collections
The moving of theses and dissertations to the left of each level have been completed on levels one to four. Locations and loan rules have been created accordingly and will be updated on the catalogue during the course of the week. You will be updated via email regarding the progress in this regard. I would like to thank the Shelving Staff and the LIC IT staff for their assistance.

We are still in progress of labelling and re-shelving reference works with no Dewey numbers. As from March four student assistants will be employed to assist with this task. We would like to finish arranging this collection according to DDC by the end of April.

UJLink: Enriched content
On 16 February we all received an email from the UJLink Team that summaries and book jackets have been added to the catalogue. I would like to thank this team for the wonderful enhancement. It really makes our catalogue look more colourful:

Author Workshop
You are reminded of the Author Workshop that will be held for researchers an prospective researchers on 1 March @ 2pm in the library auditorium. During this workshop the following will be addressed:
- Why publish research?
- The calculation and value of an Impact Factor
- Open access publishing
- Information on Springer

Remind clients that limited space is available and for more information they can contact: Simon Machogo -Sekoto at ssekoto@uj.ac.za.

Re-opening of Johannesburg City Library
The Johannesburg City Library was re-opened last week. For more information follow the link below (you might just recognise a familiar face):

Usage of Library Public Computers
You will all agree with me that the library has been well used since the students returned. All departments reported an increase in activity and the high usage of the computers in the library remains a concern.

Note that the role of the library is to give access to information and therefore students have full access to the Internet.

In order to address the crisis regarding the use of library computers, I have completed a report and forwarded it to library leadership. In the report short, medium and long term solutions were suggested. In order to address the short term solution (implementing software that would limit the time a student uses a computer) will be address by some library staff and ICS during a meeting tomorrow (22 Feb). You will be updated with new developments as soon as possible.

In the meantime I would like to thank you for your patience with this issue. I am positive a solution will be found very soon.

Feedback from the Operations Forum Meeting
The first APK Operations Forum Meeting for 2012 took place on 17 Feb and from this meeting I would like to report the following:

Auxiliary Services  and Transport: Frans van Deventer confirmed that the water crisis at APK on 16 Feb was not a smooth exercise, partly because of the delay in this department receiving information. All departments at APK were requested to improve contingency plans in this regard. The Library would like to lock bathrooms during times when now water is available and this will also be discussed with Protection Services.

The inter-campus bus service is a free service and currently the demand is higher than the supply. This will be addressed with MEC. It was mentioned that buses do leave according to schedule, but there are too many students making use of this service and some have to wait for the next bus.

Elite Cleaning Services will do spring-cleaning during June/July and December this year. The issue regarding improved supervision for cleaning staff during weekends in the library has also been addressed.

AVU: The issue regarding the licencing codes for the SmartBoard Software at the Library has been addressed and the codes were forwarded to LIC IT as well as the Campus Librarian.

Technology issues in the classrooms is a huge problem and was discussed at length. AVU asked for support from Faculty staff to address these issues as they are experiencing severe budget constraints.

Occupational Health and Safety: The overcrowding of lecturing halls remain a concern regarding safety. No solution to the problem has been discussed.

The flu campaign will start in March, staff have to keep their eyes open for the circular. A limited number of vaccines will be available.

Protection Services (Security): Common theft remains a problem - especially at APK and in the library. Please remember to keep your personal belongings safe as a large number of theft cases occures due to neglicence of the owner (please remind students as well).

Should you battle to find parking on campus, note that the parking behind the Art Center (Truffles) is seldom used. Paid staff parking will still be implemented later this year.

ICS (UJ IT): In the role out of Wi-Fi on campus the library and residences will be a priority. The role out plan of Wi-Fi will soon be available on the Intranet. A standard sign for Wi-Fi hot spots will be designed and placed accordingly.

Technical Services: Members at the meeting were requested to remind staff to save energy. Electrical items that are not used, must be switch off and if possible lights in offices must also be switched off when you leave.

Language Unit: Prof Monareng reported that the UJ Language Policy is now available of all four official UJ languages. Currently this unit is also working on a project to translate terminology used in Political Science in all four UJ languages. Their aim is to complete this by the end of the year.

In Closing...........

1 comment:

  1. hi could you please help me has i am having difficulties creating a ujlink verication to log on
