Welcome back.
Welcome back after the winter holidays. I hope that you had an opportunity to rest after a very busy first semester.
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with information regarding new developments in the library. I hope that the information shared will equip you to have a better understanding of what is happening in other library departments and assist you in providing information to our clients.
In this newsletter we will be looking at new developments in the following areas:
- Library building and facilities.
- Circulation.
- Shelving.
- ILL & ICL.
- Information Services.
This newsletter will also include valuable information regarding:
- One Book One Library.
- Closing tasks of Dewey project.
- Usage of earphones at service points.
Library building and facilities.
At the start of the winter holidays, we received an additional 150 study tables for students. These tables have been placed on levels 1, 3 and 4.
The silver queuing rails in the foyer of level one have been removed to improve traffic at the entrance. These rails have been replaced with retractable-belt stands that can be moved according to our needs.
During the first semester a designated area have been built on level 2 (the journal area) for students with disabilities. This venue is not yet in operation as the network-points and computers still have to be installed.
Research rooms have been built on level 6 for law clients.
I am happy to announce that as from June, no students with outstanding books or fines will be able to get their results and will also not be able to re-register at the University until outstanding money owed to the library has been paid. Should you have any queries in this regard, please send the students to the Circulation Department.
As from 1 August there will also be changes made in the queuing system at Circulation and the way clients are attended to. Currently the clients are requested to form two separate queues: a queue for general collection service and a separate queue for reserved collection items. As from next month the workstations at the services points will be geared in such a way that clients will form a single queue and receive service from any Circulation Staff member, regardless of the type of service they want. This means that general; study and reserved items can be issued and returned at any of the service points at Circulation. The aim is to provide clients with a single point of entry, without being send from one staff member to another for circulation service and also a more equal distribution of work among staff in this deparment.
With the moving of the book collection according to Dewey, some changes had to be made in the allocation of duties to shelving staff in order to ensure equal distribution of the workload. Allocation of duties has been changed as follows:
Level 1 – Owen (DDC #: 000 to 226.999)
Level 1 – Joseph (Reference works)
Level 2 – Sphiwe (DDC#: 227 to 305.999) & Trevor: (DDC#: 306 to 354.999)
Level 2 – Joseph (Journals)
Level 3 – Mdu (DDC#: 355 to 399.999 & 500 to 599.999)
Level 4 – Sphiwe (DDC#: 400’s, 700’s & 800’s)
Level 5 – Chris (DDC#: 600 to 699.999) & Owen (DDC#: 900 to 999.999)
Level 6 – Joseph
Interlibrary & Intercampus loans.
In order to market Intercampus Loans, this department will appreciate it if you will remind students that books available in other UJ Libraries can be ordered for clients via this services.
The Interlibrary Loans client base has also been extended and students currently doing their honors degrees are now also allowed to do interlibrary loans.
Information Services.
I would like to formally welcome Jabu Radebe, who has been appointed as General Information Librarian at the Info-desk. Jabu, we hope that you will find your new job challenging and exciting.
The Library webpage was given a re-vamp. From my point of view it is much easier now to find relevant information. Go and have a look:
Last semester we also introduced a product named Airpac. For those of you who are not familiar with this product: this product provides easy access to the library catalogue from cell phones. For more information, use the following link:
With the planned move of the Education Faculty to the Soweto Campus, some of the books on Education Management in the APK collection will also move to the Soweto library. Books have been selected, but no moved yet.
Remaining funds of information budgets (books and journal budgets) must be spend before the end of this year. Please identify books that are needed by students and forward these requests to the relevant Information/Faculty Librarian or myself.
One book One Library
The title selected for this year is: Devil’s Peak by Deon Meyer. This book is available in three languages: English, Afrikaans and French. Currently all copies are available in Vivian’s office in order to give staff first an opportunity to get hold of the book.
As from 1 August the books will also be made available to students and will be displayed in the library. Please note that this year we have changed the loan rule for these books. This book will be issued for a period on two weeks (regardless of the patron type) and clients will not be able to renew these books.
Closing of Dewey project
As you are all aware by now, the moving of the books have been completed. I kindly request that you acquaint yourself with which Dewey numbers can be found on which level:
1 | 000 - 226 |
2 | 227 - 354 |
3 | 355 - 399 & 500 - 599 |
4 | 400 - 499 & 700 - 899 |
5 | 600 - 699 & 900 - 999 |
Temporary staff appointed to assist with this project is only employed until the end of July. They are currently busy re-labelling books on level 4 (the only level that still has books with no Dewey numbers). I would like to make use of this opportunity to that these staff members for their hard work and dedication – it has been an absolute pleasure working with you and we wish you all of the best for the future.
Usage of earphones at service points
We recently received complaints from clients of unacceptable service due to staff listening to music by using earphones while attending to clients. It is of extreme importance that we give our full attention to the client we are serving and therefore the usage of earphones at service points is not allowed. I kindly, but urgently, request you adhere to this.
In closing I would like to thank you for attending our mid-year braai. I think I speak for all of us, when I say we had loads of fun! Below some of the pictures taken that day:
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