Thursday, 26 April 2012

Update: 19 to 26 April 2012

In this post I will share with you the following:
-              Encore demonstration
-              Feedback from the Campus Librarian Meeting
-              April’s farewell

Encore demonstration
In previous blogs I informed you that the current catalogue display will change to a display similar to Google. Recently there was also a competition to suggest a name for the new search tool and that closed last week. Pieter informed me that he received some great suggestions. The winner of the competition will be announced on 17 May 2012.

On 19 April, Annelize and I, together with some other Library staff had a sneak previous of the new display. To me the greatest advantage of Encore is not only that it looks and feels like a Google search, but the fact that a search is extended to the databases as well. This means that you do one search and the new system automatically searches in the printed catalogue and the databases and displays the results as such.
Training on how to use Encore will be arranged.
For the ultimate in discovery that's easy to implement and use, Encore is the answer. Encore elegantly presents all manner of discovery tools, such as faceted search results, Tag Cloud, Did You Mean...?, Popular Choices and Recently Added suggestions, and RightResult™ relevance ranking. No matter what ILS your library uses, Encore provides a reliable solution for taking discovery to a whole new level. Encore even makes use of user contributions as a tool for discovery by blending in cool community participation features, such as tagging.
In short, Encore creates an entirely new user experience of your library. It makes finding as easy as searching, leverages Web 2.0 technologies and practices, and delivers a complete discovery-to-delivery solution that is appealing, sophisticated, and just plain fun!
Encore also integrates INN-Reach search results, Electronic Resource Management resource records, Program Registration, Pathfinder Pro contextual links, as well as Research Pro and other federated-search tools. Your library can also bring enriched content and harvested data into the Encore environment. With Encore, it's all right here!”
Feedback from the Campus Librarian Meeting

The meeting took place on 20 May at the Soweto Library.
Julia will be attending the IFLA conference this year, which is held in Finland. For more info, click on the link below:
The role of the Champion of the forums was further discussed after it changed slightly at the last Strategic Objectives meeting. It was decided that the terms of reference / charter of the forums will have to be updated to accommodate the new changes. More info regarding forums:
-              There are four forums: Circulation, ILL & ICL, Information Services and shelving.
-              These forums give departments across campuses a platform to discuss issues relating to      their departments
-              Tactical issues and standardization of services across campuses is mostly the topics of discussion
-              Each forum has a chairperson and a champion (Campus Librarian)
-              The role of the champion (Campus Librarian) for the forum is to ensure that the same services are rendered across campuses and to report and follow up on discrepancies

At the DFC library, they are currently in process of moving books in order to create space for their information commons. At APB they are creating space for the commons by weeding and storage of less used items. The research commons at the SWC library has been established and is in use.
At this meeting it was formally announced that the name of the one book one library project will be changed to UJ Reads…… The committee is still in process of choosing a title for this year, as there were concerns regarding the previous title chosen. Should you have any suggestions, please forward them to Dr Anette van Vuren.
Campus Librarians were also reminded about extended hours on Saturdays during the exams. The library will then be open until 6pm. Staff who works (Circ and Info-desk) will be paid overtime for working from 3 – 6pm. This will impact on the following Saturdays:
Sat, 26th May 2012
Sat, 2nd June 2012
Sat, 9th June 2012
Sat, 16th June 2012 – Public Holiday (Closed)
As mentioned in my previous post, World Information Society day will be celebrated on 17 May. UJLIC in collaboration with Cental and ICS will be hosting an event during among other things, Encore will be launched. The event will take place in the afternoon and more info will be made available in due course.

Please note that the bindery tariffs have been increased. See table below:

2012 Bindery Tariffs as of 1 May 2012
UJ Departments UJ Staff & Students Private Clients
Description Departments UJHB Staff & Students
1-5 copies
UJHB Staff & Students
6-10 copies
UJHB Staff & Students
11+ copies
Other Institutions
1-5 copies
Other Institutions
6-10 copies
Other Institutions
11+ copies
A4 Full Binding (Mock leather)              150.00          185.00          180.00          173.00       196.00        195.00       185.00
A5 Full Binding:(Mock leather)              115.00          145.00          138.00          132.00       152.00        149.00       145.00
A4 Semi Leather: (Half leather)              420.00          523.00          504.00          483.00       560.00        546.00       523.00
A5 Semi Leather: (Half leather)              375.00          470.00          450.00          431.00       500.00        487.00       470.00
A4 Quarter Binding: (Hard board)              112.00          140.00          134.40          128.00       150.00        145.00       140.00
A5 Quarter Binding: (Hard board)              105.00          135.00          126.00          120.00       142.00        137.00       135.00
A4 Soft Cover: (soft board)                75.00            95.00            90.00            86.00       100.00          98.00         95.00
Graduation File               192.00          240.00          230.00          220.00       255.00        250.00       240.00
Note Book:  Large                78.00            97.00            93.00            90.00       103.00        100.00         97.00
Note Book:  Small                73.00            92.00            88.00            83.00         98.00          95.00         92.00
A4 Full Leather (Genuine leather)              545.00          680.00          654.00          626.00       728.00        708.00       680.00
A5 Full Leather (Genuine leather)              425.00          527.00          510.00          490.00       560.00        550.00       527.00
* Tarriffs applicable as of 1 May 2012.

April’s farewell
On 23 April we bid a fond farewell to our colleagues April Mahlangu, who will be joining TUT as from next month. To April, you know you will be missed and thank you for the huge contribution you have made at UJ. To the other colleagues: thank you so much for your contributions towards this event. Below some pics that were taken:

                                                                           Enjoy the long weekend!!!!

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