Friday, 11 May 2012

Update: 2 to 11 May 2012

In this post the following information will be communicated:
- Usage of public computers in the library
- Reference works
- New faces at Circulation
- Feedback from Circulation Forum meeting.

Usage of public computers in the library
As from 14 May, the usage of public computers in the library will be restricted to one hour per person. This will be regulated by four temporary staff members, appointed specifically to deal with access to computers. These staff members will report to Heila Oosthuizen. Staff members appointed temporarily to deal with this are:
Happy Dlamini
Sehlola Matemana
Clinton Malatji
Keeve Thlabane

The computer areas on level one, has been enclosed with only one entrance to the computers. Appointed staff members will be sitting at the entrance of the enclosed area.

When accessing the computer area, the student will first have to report to the staff on duty. The staff members will allocate a specific computer to a student (all computers have been numbered). The student will be issued with a "entrance slip", noting the date, time in and time out as well as the computer allocated to them. They will only be allowed to make use of the computer allocated to them for one hour.

After one hour, the student will be requested to leave the computer and hand in the "entrance slip". The computer will then be allocated to the next student waiting in the queue. Chairs will be provided and students will queue in a single file on the chairs.

Please note the following:
- Restricted access will be exercised during weekdays from 7 am to 3:30 pm.
- Computers cannot be booked in advance. We will strictly work on the first-come-first-serve principle.
- If a student wants to work on the computer again (after they already had their first hour chance), they are welcome to go to the back of the queue.
- Students with no entrance slip, will be asked to leave the computer immediately.

This will hopefully assist in giving more students access to computers.

Reference Works
I am happy to inform you that all reference works have now been labelled with Dewey numbers. Stanley and his guys are busy to shelve the last of the re-labelled reference works and this should be completed by the middle of next week.

New faces at Circulation
As mentioned to you earlier, April left the university at the end of April and Tiny will be leaving at the end of May. This will result in two vacancies at Circulation. In order to ensure that services continue according to standards, two temporary staff members have been temporarily employed to assist in this department. They are: Sixolile Nkoyeni and Desiree Mokgosi. Both of them have experience in working at circulation before and will start on 14 May.

Feedback from the Circulation Forum
The meeting took place on 9 May and was chaired by Mdu Madondo. All Team Leaders from all campus libraries were present at the meeting and Adri will be representing APK until a new Team Leader is appointed.

The meeting started off with a discussion regarding the role of the Campus Librarian assigned to the forum. The role will change from being a champion to a service manager. The responsibility of the service manager (for Circ Forum it is Janina) will be to ensure that all circulation services are implemented and sustained in all UJ libraries. Any discrepancies will be reported to the relevant Campus Librarian to resolve.

It was also decided that the membership of the meeting will be extended. Apart from the Team Leaders, one additional circulation staff member per campus will also be invited to attend meetings.

Team Leaders were requested to make sure that issues discussed and decisions taken in the forum are communicated to their staff. Evidence to this effect must be given to the APK Campus Librarian.

To all the mothers........
 'A mighty power and stronger
Man from his throne has hurled,
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.'
~ William Ross Wallace

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