Friday, 7 October 2011

Final Performance Reviews

Final performance reviews should be completed for all staff by the end of the month. I would like to refer you to Circular 2011-626.

The process will be as follows:
-          Your manager will make an appointment with you during the course of this month.
-          You will be requested to complete the ‘self-rating’ before the meeting with your line manager and to collect your evidence.
-          During the meeting with your line manager, your self-rating will be discussed and he/she will give you his/her impression of your performance and evidence.
-          It is important to note that your ratings will be finalized during the consistency meeting, taking into context your performance against that of the rest of the group.
-          All reviews should be completed by 26 October, the consistency meeting for APK will be held on 28 October.

According to the circular, the following scale will be used:

-          Exceeds all objectives and standards by constantly delivering exceptional performance. 
-          Functions as a role model setting standards of excellence.
-          Excellent feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, where relevant, whilst high levels of expertise and initiatives are demonstrated.
-          Contribute constructively to the team through taking a leadership position.
-          Performance in most areas noticeably ahead of expectation.
-          Skills are highly developed. 
-          Contributes constructively to the team at all times.
Very Good
-          Performance in many areas noticeably ahead of expectation.
-          Skills are highly developed. 
-          Contributes constructively to the team at all times.
Achieved more than contracted
-          Performs above the required level of competence.

-          Performs at required level of competence.
-          Has achieved the requirements and standards as agreed to.
-          Performance in some areas well below expectations. 
-          Remedial action plan to be agreed and implemented for development area(s). 
-          Inconsistent in meeting standards. 
-          Requires supervision to ensure performance. 
-          May not have all the required skills or may not apply skills. 
-          May be unsuitable for the position.
-          Unacceptably poor performance. 
-          Significant underachievement against objectives where the employee performs at a consistently low level.
-          Poor levels of achievement impact on the team, internal and external clients.

In order to prepare for your review, have a look at the following articles:

Good luck to all of you!

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