Thursday, 27 October 2011

Update: 21 to 27 October

I would like to share the following with you:
-          Library hours during the exams (Saturdays)
-          Feedback from the Collection Development Task Team (CDMTT)
-          Xerox and Konica Minolta (photocopying service)
-          Additional telephone extension at Circulation
-          Upcoming events

Library hours during the exams (Saturdays)
Just a reminder that as from this Saturday, the library will be open from 8am to 7pm. These hours will be applicable to Saturdays up until 19 November.
Please note: That as from 31 October to the end of the exams, assistance at the Law Library will be available until 6pm (weekdays) and 3pm (Saturdays). From 6pm to 10pm (weekdays) and 3pm to 7pm (Saturdays) , students will be referred to the Info point.

CDMTT meeting
This meeting took place on 21 October. The meeting welcomed Ms Neli Kuanda back (after maternity leave) and it was chaired by Mrs Annette Liebenberg.

ERC Books – The distribution of books from the ERC to other libraries is going slow at the moment due to a lack of space at ACP (Acquisitions, Cataloguing and Physical Processing).
ECR – There are some errors in the bib records of ERC items, this might be due to the possibility that some data might be incorrectly entered when ERC’s are done. Mrs Liebenberg will supply the detail to April, who will follow up on this.
Cleaning up of location codes The clean-up of location codes at DFC has been completed. Attention is still being given to other errors in the catalogue.
E-book strategy This strategy is mainly in regards to text books. The development of the strategy has been handed over to Ms Kaunda and is still in process.
Thesis and dissertations This issue is specific to APK. Work on separating thesis and dissertations from other books will start in November. Mrs Liebenberg will investigate the possibility of making this collection searchable on the catalogue.

Xerox (Bytes) and Konica Minolta - Printing and Photocopying
As from next year, printing and photocopying services will be done by Konica Minolta according to a circular distributed electronically on 20 October. More detailed information is available on the Intranet: log onto the UJ Intranet and click on Printing Facilities 2012.


Circulation additional telephone extension
In order to improve service to clients an additional telephone extension has been added at circulation. Please advise clients that both extensions 2165 and 4465 can be used.

Upcoming events
Please keep your diaries open for the following events:
18 November – UJLIC Year End Function at 5pm at STH
24 November – Social Networking Workshop (more details to follow)
25 November – APK staff braai (more details to follow)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Update: 10 to 20 October

This post contains information about the following:
- One Book One Library (Deon Meyer visit)
- Extended Library Hours (Saturdays)
- LST & Mancom meeting
- Gerda's progress

One Book One Library (Deon Meyer's visit)
Deon Meyer visited our library on 18 October. According to feedback I received, staff and students enjoyed the interaction with Mr. Meyer. I want to thank the following staff for the arrangements and marketing of the event:
Vivian: for all the detailed arrangements regarding the venue;
Linda, Reneka and Yvonne for assisting Vivian;
April for sending out the text messages;
Adri for doing the announcements;
Sheliving staff for getting the venue ready.

A few photos of the event:

Extended Library Hours (Saturdays)
Please note that our library hours will be extended from 8am to 7pm for the following Saturdays:
-          29 October
-          5 November
-          12 November
-          19 November

The extended hours will only be applicable for the APK and DFC libraries, as there was no request for the other libraries. I sincerely want to thank the staff who agreed to work the additional hours. Note that Protection Services and Bytes have been informed accordingly.
I would also like to share with you the e-mail received from Mrs Sander regarding this issue:
Dear Colleagues

I sincerely appreciate your commitment to service for our students

Hannie Sander

LST and Mancom meeting

This meeting took place on 13 October and team coaching, the library structure and the year-end function was discussed.
Team Coaching – UJ started with a program on team coaching for the ELG earlier this year and this program will now be extended to include more staff members. A group of 8 to 10 library middle managers have been identified as the next group to receive coaching. Coaching will be done on leadership and the first of 9 sessions will probably start this year.

Library structure – For this discussion, Mrs Heleen Kruger of HR joined the meeting. Mrs Sander stated that ALL staff members will receive placement letters before the end of the year. This letter will clearly state where you fit in the new structure. Interviews for vacancies in SWC (due to the new structure) have been completed. Other vacancies of new positions will be advertised in due course. Mrs Sander also explained why not all positions were regarded. According to her, due to benchmarking, certain positions had to be regarded, as well as positions of which the job descriptions have changed. The ideal would have been to re-grade all positions, but due to the time constrains and the scope, it was not possible.
Year-end function – This function will be organized by the social committee under the leadership of April. Plans are in progress and more details are to follow soon.

Gerda's progress
As mentioned in my e-mail of 5 October, Gerda (from ILL) had knee-replacement surgery. I am glad to inform you that she is back at home. I spoke to her today and she is still experiencing some pain, but hopes to make a full recovery. Gerda, this is to you from all of us:

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Update: 3 to 7 October

In this post I will share information regarding:

·         The central filing system

·         Children’s reading material

·         Moving of books on level 4

·         The new Library Executive Director

·         International presentations

Central Filing system (on level 3)
The central filing system on level 3 has been changed from print to an electronic shared and support drive (Admin Hub).  In future there will be no more paper copies of any documents unless as requested by line managers.

Children’s reading material
I refer to my e-mail send to you on 10 October: Should have any reading material appropriate for primary school children, please drop it off at Vivian’s office. This material will be used for primary school libraries.

Moving of books on level four
The shelving staff will start this week to move the books on level four to the right in order to create space for books in the 400 class. Book recently re-labelled in this class is currently placed on the right of this level. Once the moving of books has been completed, it will be interfiled with the rest of the 400’s on the left of this level.

New Executive Director for the Library
I suppose you all received the e-mail that Dr R Bawa has been appointed as Executive Director for the library. She will start in her new position on 1 January 2012. Below a picture of our new ED.

International presentations

Pavlinka has been selected to do two international presentations at the IAMSLIC (International Association of Aquatic & Marine Science Librarians and information Centre) Conference in Zanzibar, Tanzania and the other at the International Annual Internet Librarian Conference in London, UK. Both presentations will be done in October. Good luck, Pavlinka, we know it will go well.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Final Performance Reviews

Final performance reviews should be completed for all staff by the end of the month. I would like to refer you to Circular 2011-626.

The process will be as follows:
-          Your manager will make an appointment with you during the course of this month.
-          You will be requested to complete the ‘self-rating’ before the meeting with your line manager and to collect your evidence.
-          During the meeting with your line manager, your self-rating will be discussed and he/she will give you his/her impression of your performance and evidence.
-          It is important to note that your ratings will be finalized during the consistency meeting, taking into context your performance against that of the rest of the group.
-          All reviews should be completed by 26 October, the consistency meeting for APK will be held on 28 October.

According to the circular, the following scale will be used:

-          Exceeds all objectives and standards by constantly delivering exceptional performance. 
-          Functions as a role model setting standards of excellence.
-          Excellent feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, where relevant, whilst high levels of expertise and initiatives are demonstrated.
-          Contribute constructively to the team through taking a leadership position.
-          Performance in most areas noticeably ahead of expectation.
-          Skills are highly developed. 
-          Contributes constructively to the team at all times.
Very Good
-          Performance in many areas noticeably ahead of expectation.
-          Skills are highly developed. 
-          Contributes constructively to the team at all times.
Achieved more than contracted
-          Performs above the required level of competence.

-          Performs at required level of competence.
-          Has achieved the requirements and standards as agreed to.
-          Performance in some areas well below expectations. 
-          Remedial action plan to be agreed and implemented for development area(s). 
-          Inconsistent in meeting standards. 
-          Requires supervision to ensure performance. 
-          May not have all the required skills or may not apply skills. 
-          May be unsuitable for the position.
-          Unacceptably poor performance. 
-          Significant underachievement against objectives where the employee performs at a consistently low level.
-          Poor levels of achievement impact on the team, internal and external clients.

In order to prepare for your review, have a look at the following articles:

Good luck to all of you!