Friday, 16 March 2012

Update: 5 to 16 March 2012

Dear Colleagues, in this post I would like to share the following with you:
- Improved procedures for searching of missing books
- Feedback regarding UJLIC Strategic Objectives
- Feedback regarding the Combined Management Meeting
- One Book One Library
- Theft of library books
- Congrats to Yvonne Bucwa
- Human Rights Day

Missing Books
If a books shows available on the catalogue, but cannot be found on the shelves, please refer the client to Circulation to complete a 'Missing Book' form. These forms are collected by Shelving staff (Stanley or Sphiwe) every morning. Once the forms are collected, they check the status of the item on the catalogue, as this gives them an indication where to start searching for a book, for example: a book recently catalogued, might still be on level four or with the Information Librarians.

After the status have been checked, the information on the forms are recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. This helps with feedback to clients, records the number of times the item has been searched and assist in the keeping of statistics.

All books are searched five times - while the search is done, the item is marked as 'On search' on the catalogue. As soon as the book is found clients are informed via text message that the book is available at Circulation. If not found clients are also informed accordingly and the item is marked as 'Missing' on the catalogue. These titles are then forwarded to the Campus Librarian or Faculty Librarians for possible replacement.

Should clients have any enquiries regarding the progress or processes for searching for missing books, please refer them to Stanley or Sphiwe at extension: 3543.

Feedback regarding Strategic Objectives
In order to implement our strategic objectives of having a Learning Commons for undergraduate students and a Research Commons for postgraduate students, we have to seriously look at the weeding of multiple and un-used items, the storage of less used valuable items and the weeding/storage of items available online (journals and reference works). These issues will be addressed with you during my monthly meetings with departments. Dr. Bawa would like the weeding and relocation of items to be done before the end of the year.

Feedback: Combined Management Meeting
The revised and shortened UJ vision, mission and values were distributed to all Team Leaders to be discussed with you within your departments. The feedback received from you and other Campus Libraries were the main topic of discussion during the Combined Management Meeting. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your input and it has been given through at this meeting.

At this meeting it was also reported that the advertisement for the vacancy for an Admin Assistant on level three has closed and that they are in process of compiling the shortlist. The vacancy for Information Librarian at APB and the vacancy at Acquisitions will be advertised towards the end of this month.

It was also mentioned that Archiving and the Rare Book Collection will be moving to DFC. A grand opening of the Archives are planned for August.

One Book One Library
This committee had a meeting during this week and the title for this year has been selected - you will be informed of the title during next week. We also want to change the name of this project form One Book One Library to something else. If you have any suggestions for a new name for this project please forward it to me or Dr van Vuren.

Theft of Library Books
The theft of library books has always been a concern, but escalated recently. During the past two months, seven library books have been confiscated from students and returned to the library. According to the students that were found in possession of these books, the books were bought on campus as second hand books. Protect Services acted quickly and arrests have been made. Further investigations and more arrests might follow.

We kindly, but urgently ask you to be on the look out for suspicious behaviour and to report it  to Protection Services. Should you have any ideas on how we can improve the security of our stock (books), please forward your proposals to me.

I would like to congratulate Yvonne Bucwa who has been accepted to the Carnegie Leadership Academy. Yvonne will attend the academy from 13 to 27 April. Good luck Yvonne, we are SO proud of you!

 Human Rights Day
Just a reminder that 21 March is Human Rights Day and that the library will be closed.

I found this article very interesting (see the link below). It not only explains why we celebrate Human Rights Day, but also what our rights are:

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